For Business Owners


If you are the owner of a leading middle market company and are reading this information, it may be due to one of the following reasons:

  • You have received a direct contact from Performit Group, or

  • You have been referred to Performit Group by an advisor or other referral source

Performit Group is not a business brokerage or traditional investment banking operation. It is a buy-side mergers and acquisitions origination firm that primarily conducts targeted searches to support the industry-focused acquisition and investment objectives of its private equity and corporate clients. When conducting a targeted search, Performit Group does not contact the ownership of a middle market business unless it has been mandated to do so by one of its clients. Given that Performit Group's clients typically possess current investment funds ranging from $100 million to well over $12 billion, this is a significant event.


Performit Group respects and values the human capital and financial investments made by middle market business leaders and owners. Therefore, we will not waste your valuable time with frivolous inquiries. If you have been contacted as a result of a targeted search, it is because a Performit Group client is interested in establishing a discreet dialogue and has requested that you be contacted on their behalf.

No Cost

Performit Group is a buy-side firm, meaning all of its fees are directly paid by its private equity and corporate clients. There is no investment required on your part, other than the time you spend engaging in a dialogue with the prospective acquirer or investor. This dialogue will be facilitated by Performit Group and may progress after an initial exploratory conversation.


Performit Group is committed to maintaining confidentiality, and any information you provide, including financial, operational, procedural, human capital, and other relevant information, will be handled on a confidential "need to know" basis, as determined and directed by you.